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Hugely Inadequate Silver Linings

You know how some bad things that happen have silver linings to them, right? Like when a house burns down that at least makes place for a nice new parking lot. Or when a nuclear reactor in the Ukraine blows up there's at least much more three-headed frogs than before?

Here's three more silver linings you could very well live without with:

What if Hollywood made movies about banal stuff?

Hollywood usually loves to make movies about world-shattering events. You know - wars, love, the end of the world - such things. But what if they ran out of stories and had to do pictures about the banal everyday stuff? Cracked asked and the Photoplasters showed what it would be like...

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So THAT's what that is!

I have been wondering for a while...

Stephen Hawking travels in style

Why not be one of the greatest scientists in the modern world AND cool?

Warum nicht gleich so?

Warum zieht er nicht einfach um? Mental paßt er doch besser da rüber...

Gungans: Where Are They Now?

Just for the case you ever wondered why there's no Gungans in the original three Star Wars movies - that's one of the darker parts of Naboo's history, actually...

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