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Gaming... OF THE FUTURE!

What do you get if you ask a bunch of crazy geeks for their predictions about the gaming industry? Another great article on cracked, that's what. Here's my submissions for it:

Rejected Post-Credits Scenes from Superhero Movies

By now it's been done so often that it almost seems there's a law demanding it: Superhero movies aren't complete any more unless, after the credits, they feature one last scene that adds a twist to the story, hints at the next sequel or both.

When cracked asked their photoplasters to think of some typical scenes for this contest I suggested these two - with Spiderman making the article:

Hollywood doing Propaganda

When Cracked wondered what'd happen If famous pictures were turned into Propaganda posters of course I had some suggestions of my own...

Like James Bond selling warbonds:

Chairman Mao and his Red Rangers: