Pictures from the early days of famous villains

When cracked asked for pictures of Famous Villains During Their Awkward Teenage Years I dug deep in my old archives and indeed found a few pictures of famous evildoers - and don't ask where I got them from...

First we have young Mola Ram, here seen with classmates during their anatomy lessons:

Messing up Computergames

Small but disastrous changes to famous video games was the topic, and I *highly* suggest you check out the other submissions too, there were some brilliantly silly ones in it. :)

"You don't know Jack" is one of the funniest multiplayer games I ever played. It puts you into a virtual quizshow in which you try to answer trivial questions. The fun comes from the presentation - the show of course has a showmaster too, and that guy is just hilarious!

Of course it wouldn't be as much fun if the questions were much, much harder...

What if ... the World worked by Disney Rules?

... was the theme for if the real world played by Disney cartoon rules.

Well, here is some of the things you could expect:

First - you'd have to expect all kinds of things to become alive - and then die...

History - as misunderstood by future historians

Here's the pictures I did for Modern images as misunderstood by future archeologists - nothing too brilliant, but maybe you can get a grin out of them:

Game characters and games they'd totally suck at

We love our video game heroes. Mario, Pac Man, the little Galaga Spaceship - but few people realize that, if those characters had appeared in *different* games, today nobody would care about them any more...

(submissions for Video Game Characters who's Suck At Other Games)

Sure, the Sims are cool and all, but put them into Modern Warfare and their floating green gems turn into life hazards!

Mario is the grandfather of all Jump'n'Runs. He jumped around before MasterChief even wet his cybernappies. And yet - compared to the classes in Tribes he pretty much sucks:

Cinema Snob and Brows Held High do Shakespeare

Two of my favourite online reviewers tackling a Troma adaptation of the greatest love story of all times:

Important life lessons

Some submissions that didn't make it, about lessons some people appear to need:
