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SciFiDebris does Hogfather

Fitting the season SciFiDebris does an in-debth-review of "Hogfather".

Warum nicht gleich so?

Warum zieht er nicht einfach um? Mental paßt er doch besser da rüber...

Gungans: Where Are They Now?

Just for the case you ever wondered why there's no Gungans in the original three Star Wars movies - that's one of the darker parts of Naboo's history, actually...

Made for this article

Chaplin - Let us all unite!

Take one of the most moving speeches in movie history, add a good measure of musical ingenuity and the outcome is quite amazing:

Dora the Explorer...

Ironic Punishments for Everyday Annoyances

These were made for this cracked article - with the first one making it in.
