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modern warfare

Modern Warfare - the politically correct version

As we all know computergames get blamed for loads of evil things in the world - usually by people who apparently have forgotten that when they were young the same was said about the new rock music they were listening to and the comic books that they were reading...

Anyways - some software developers are now trying to work a "less violence" angle into their games - more or less successful:

If Video Game Characters Could Switch Powers

In videogames you have all kinds of weapons and powers and upgrades - but what, if you could gain powers from *other* games too? That was the theme for this photoplasty at cracked - and these are my entries for it, with Mario making it in the final article. :)

Game characters and games they'd totally suck at

We love our video game heroes. Mario, Pac Man, the little Galaga Spaceship - but few people realize that, if those characters had appeared in *different* games, today nobody would care about them any more...

(submissions for Video Game Characters who's Suck At Other Games)

Sure, the Sims are cool and all, but put them into Modern Warfare and their floating green gems turn into life hazards!

Mario is the grandfather of all Jump'n'Runs. He jumped around before MasterChief even wet his cybernappies. And yet - compared to the classes in Tribes he pretty much sucks: